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You can create the following questions:
Multiple choice (ONE correct answer)
With Multiple Choice questions, students select one or more correct answers from several choices. Students aren't told if they need to choose one or multiple answers.
Multiple answer (More than one correct answer)
Multi-select questions require students to select multiple correct answers from a list. This variation of a multiple choice question encourages critical thinking. Some instructors may award partial credit to students on these types of questions. Partial credit promotes a fairer and more accurate assessment of students' knowledge.
In the past, students received full credit when selecting all answer choices for a multi-select question with partial credit. This happened because there was no penalty or negative credit applied for wrong answer choices.
Now, when an instructor designs a multi-select question and allows partial and negative credit, the negative credit auto-distributes across wrong answer choices. An instructor can remove or edit the negative credit if desired.
To create multiple answer questions, you select Multiple choice and choose multiple correct answers to be able to provide partial credit.
When selecting the multiple correct options, Scoring options will become availaible.
Keep in mind that both Multiple Choice and Multiple Answer questions display is the same with radio buttons. Indicate in the question stem to the student if there are multiple correct answers to make this not an unfair question.
Credit to Blackboard Help