Cloud collaboration document
  • 01 Sep 2023
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Cloud collaboration document

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Article summary

Create a cloud collaboration document and release it to groups

  1. Ensure that the Content tab is selected.
    Cloud doc 1

  2. Move the cursor over a divider line at the place where you want to add the Cloud document. A plus will appear on the line. Click on the plus.
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  3. On the Item drop down list, click on Create.
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  4. Scroll down the Create item list to Participation and Engagement.
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  5. Click on the dropdown arrow next to Participation and Engagement to see the options available .

  6. Click on Cloud Collaboration.
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  7. The first time you access Cloud Collaboration, you will be asked for your Microsoft login details. Use your e.g. and UP Portal password.
    Note: Students must also use the after their student number NOT @tuks.
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The next time you access Cloud Collaboration, you will be requested to select an account from the list.
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  1. Microsoft OneDrive will now appear.
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  2. Under Type: click on the type of collaborative document you want to create: Word; Excel or PowerPoint. The process is the same for all of them.
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  3. You may also select an existing document by clicking on Select Existing Document.
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  4. If you have not selected an existing document, type in an educationally descriptive Document Name and add a Description.

  5. Click on Save.
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  6. You will receive confirmation that the document is being created.
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  7. The Cloud Document Settings panel will open with these choices:

  • Allow class conversations
  • Align with goals
  • Give a description
  1. Save when you completed the settings.
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  2. The Cloud document is now available. A range of options may be set:

  • Visibility or release conditions
  • Edit the Cloud Document Settings
  • Access to the Conversation icon (if activated)
  1. Refresh the cloud document to make updates by other students visible to you.
  2. Edit document opens the document in an online Word interface.
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Add a cloud collaboration to groups:

  1. Click on Hidden from students. Select Release conditions from the drop down menu:
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  2. The Release conditions has the following access options:

  • All members of the course
  • Only specific individual members.
  • Group
    Cloud doc 14
  1. Select group, and choose the group you want to release the document to.

  2. Save after settings are made.

  3. A cloud collaboration document that is shared with a group will display on the Content area as depicted in the image below.
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  4. To release cloud collaboration documents to groups, repeat steps 2-15 for each group.

Take note:
  • Using cloud collaboration through clickUP Ultra ensures access and shared resources within a controlled environment.
  • Cloud collaboration differs from a Wiki where instructors could see each student's contribution.
  • If cloud collaboration will be used in a group setting, individual cloud documents have to be created for each group and then conditionally released to that group - this can be very time consuming in even medium size classes.

Some general information

  • Advantages of Cloud collaboration:
    • With cloud collaboration, students can simultaneously work on the same task no matter where they are;
    • All group members can work simultaneously on the document (increased productivity and efficiency);
    • There is only one current version of the document - no confusion;
    • Access control to document;
    • It prepares students for remote work and virtual project team work after university.
  • Disadvantages of Cloud collaboration:
    • Cannot be assessed directly: when it is used to create an assignment, students will have to download the final document and then upload it to an Assignment to be assessed;
    • Cloud documents cannot be bulk created and allocated to groups;
    • Interaction can be impersonal (If you activate Converstations on a Cloud document, you can alleviate this);
    • If the group member task allocation is not done, it can become a case of too many" or "too few" cooks.
      Ben Lutkevich & Moriah Sargent. s.a. What is cloud collaboration? - Definition from TechTarget. Cloud Computing. Date of access: 13 Apr. 2023.
      Jotform. 2021. The pros and cons of cloud collaboration. The Jotform Blog. Date of access: 13 Apr. 2023.

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